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Dreamland Safari Tours, based in Kanab, Utah, specializes in accessing highly sought-after, off-the-beaten-path photography locations. With 24 years of experience we are area experts. Visit and photograph White Pocket, Toroweap, Coyote Buttes South and the Wave with our expert guides, and much, much more.

Chat with the Dreamland Safari Tours Reps
Join us in the Night Owl Networking Room Friday at 1:45 p.m. EST

Brand Representatives
Paul Gagner & Cody S. York

Reflection Canyon Photographer's Choice

The Reflection Canyon Photographer's Choice workshop is a moderate desert backpacking adventure with porter support. You need to be ready for two days with 8-plus miles of hiking while carrying an approximately 25-pound pack (depending on the photography equipment you may want to bring).

For more information, download the brochure.

Courtesy of Dreamland Safari Tours, see Cody S. York on stage at the Night Photo Summit

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. EST