Processing Images from Astro-Modified Cameras (sponsored by Spencer’s Camera)

Processing Images from Astro-Modified Cameras (sponsored by Spencer’s Camera)

Take your Milky Way and astro-landscape photography to the next level with Brennen Nicole’s presentation exploring the benefits of using astro-modified cameras. She will explore three processing techniques—median stacking, blue hour blending and histogram stretching—that will transform your night sky images.

Brennen will delve into:

  • Median stacking: Eliminate noise and enhance star clarity for razor-sharp night skies.
  • Blue hour blending: Achieve perfectly exposed, natural-looking foregrounds by combining the best of blue hour and starlight.
  • Histogram stretching: Maximize the dynamic range and bring out the vivid colors and details of the Milky Way.

This presentation will start with a clear breakdown of each technique and its purpose, followed by a hands-on demonstration of processing workflows using Lightroom and Photoshop.

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2025 Night Photo Summit Pass required

January 24, 2025, 07:30 PM

Stage C

07:30 PM - 08:30 PM

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About The Speakers

Brennen Nicole

Brennen Nicole

Photographer & Workshop Instructor